Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Publisher Tools

Google Webmaster Tools
Improve your site's visibility with Webmaster Tools
Your one-stop shop for comprehensive details about how Google crawls and indexes your website.
Google Local Business Center
Make your business searchable on maps with Local Business Center
Create or edit a Google Maps business listing. Add hours of operation, photos, and other details.
Google Base
Post it on Base. Find it on Google with Google Base: Product Search and more
Describe your products for sale, real estate listings, events, jobs, and more to make them easier for people to find.
Submit Your Content
Grow your audience-reach more users with Submit Your Content
See all opportunities to share your content for free across Google including gadgets, product search, maps, and YouTube.
Google Analytics
Recognize traffic trends with Google Analytics
Get easy access to intuitive graphs that show exactly what's happening on your site. You can pinpoint exactly which links and pages on your site are popular with your readership and which aren't. Or see exactly where your readers are coming from - which website, country, state and city.
Google AdWords
Drive traffic to your site with Google AdWords
With Google AdWords you create your own ads, choose keywords to help us match your ads to your audience and pay only when someone clicks on them. That is, you only pay when your advertising works.
Custom Search Engine
Harness the power of Google search to create a free Custom Search Engine
Create a highly specialized search engine that reflects your knowledge and interests. Place it on your website, and using our AdSense for Search TM program, make money from the resulting traffic.
Custom Search Engine
Keep your readers up-to-date on your content with the Add to Google button
Google's personalized homepage, iGoogle, has millions of users. With the 'Add to Google' button your readers can easily add your feed or gadget to their iGoogle page, reminding them to come back to your site every time they visit iGoogle. Simply fill out some basic information, insert a small snippet of HTML into your site, and you're ready to go.
Webmaster tools
Help people discover more of your web pages with Google Webmaster Tools
Google's free webmaster tools provide you with an easy way to make your site more Google-friendly. They can show you Google's view of your site, help you diagnose problems, and let you share info with us to help improve your site's visibility in our search results.

Enrich your site with Google Video
Explore Google Video and you'll find a wide selection of content that can be displayed on your site, for free. It's fast and easy to upload a video or embed videos on your site to instantly share them with your users.
Engage your readers with Blogger
Use a blog to easily update your readers with your news, photos and videos and encourage feedback and interaction through user comments.
Choose from a range of designer templates to get started in minutes.
Google Maps
Integrate Google's interactive maps into your site's data using Google Maps API
Integrate your site's data into Google's interactive maps and embed them in your web pages with JavaScript. You can plot points and lines and display information windows with the Google Maps look and feel. The Google Maps API is a free (beta) service, available for use on any website that is free to consumers.
Google Apps
Get your organization working together more effectively with Google Apps
With Google Apps, you and your colleagues can use Google's innovative communication and collaboration applications to save on IT costs and become more productive. Google Apps includes private label Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Talk, the Start Page and more, all customizable with your own branding and content. What's more, it's all hosted by Google, so there's no hardware or software to install or maintain. Interested in learning more? Take a product tour, or compare editions of Google Apps.
Docs & Spreadsheets
Share documents and spreadsheets online with Google Docs
You and your colleagues can collaborate in real time, even from different locations, and everyone will always see the most current version. AdSense publishers can use Google Docs & Spreadsheets to create and share site content, edit webpage mockups in HTML or text, or manage marketing plans, contracts, proposals, and budgets.
Collaborate with your users with Google Groups
Create a customizable group to co-author pages with your users, upload and share files (including photos), form email lists and start discussions.

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